
Jornal articles

Passaretta G, Skopek J (2024). The role of schooling in equalizing achievement disparity by migrant background. Accepted for publication in Sociology of Education.

Grotti R, Passaretta G (2023). Intragenerational wage mobility and social disadvantage: A comparative study of West Germany and the United States. In Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

Passaretta G, Triventi M (2023). Inequality at the top. The gender earnings gap among the Italian educational elite. In Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

Cozzani M, Fallesen P, Passaretta G, Harkonen J, Bernardi F (2023). The consequences of the COVID19 pandemic for fertility and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spanish birth registers. In Population and Development Review.

Passaretta G, Sauer P, Schwabe U, Wessling K (2023). The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe. In Research in Comparative and International Education.

Passaretta G, Skopek J, van Huizen T (2022). Is social inequality in school-age achievement generated before or during schooling? A European perspective. In European Sociological Review.

Ribeiro L, Zachrisson HD, Nærde A, Wang MV, Brandlistuen RE, Passaretta G (2022). Socioeconomic disparities in early language development in two Norwegian samples. In Applied Developmental Science.

Passaretta G, Skopek J (2021). Does Schooling Decrease Socioeconomic Inequality in Early Achievement? A Differential Exposure Approach. In American Sociological Review.

Skopek J, Passaretta G (2020). Socioeconomic Inequality in Children’s Achievement from Infancy to Adolescence: The Case of Germany. In Social Forces.

Passaretta G, Triventi G, Trivellato P (2018). Between academia and labour market – the occupational outcomes of PhD graduates in a period of academic reforms and economic crisis. In Higher Education.

Passaretta G, Barbieri P, Wolbers MHJ, Visser M (2018). The direct effect of social origin on men’s occupational attainment over the early life course: An Italian-Dutch comparison. In Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

Barbieri P, Cutuli G, Passaretta G (2016). Institutions and the school-to-work transition: disentangling the role of the macro-institutional context. In Socio-Economic Review.

Passaretta G, Wolbers MHJ (2016). Temporary employment at labour market entry in Europe: Labour market dualism, transitions to secure employment and upward mobility. In Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Passaretta G, Triventi M (2015). Work experience during higher education and post-graduation occupational outcomes: A comparative study on four European countries. In International Journal of Comparative Sociology.

Passaretta G, Triventi M (2014). Il lavoro durante gli studi universitari e gli esiti occupazionali dopo la laurea. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata. In Sociologia del lavoro.

Book chapters

Passaretta G, Gil-Hernandez C (2023). The early roots of the digital divide: Socioeconomic inequality in ICT literacy at age 8–15. In Jan Skopek (eds), Research Handbook of Digital Sociology, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Triventi M, Passaretta G (2023). The role of education for social mobility. In J Blanden, J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen, and L Macmillan (eds), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Reports and other writings

Bles P, Bijlsma I, Fregin MC, Korpi T, Lutz LM, Levels M, Mueller N, Passaretta G. Pollak R, van der Velden R (2021). Preparing Today’s Youths for Tomorrow’s labour Market. Analyses of the relationship between initial education and skills acquisition across countries and over time. TECHNEQUALITY Report prepared for the European Commission.

Passaretta G, Rözer J, Skopek J, van Huizen T, van de Werfhorst HG (2019). Integrative Report (WP1): Lessons and Policy Implications. ISOTIS Report prepared for the European Commission.

Passaretta G, Skopek J (2018). Roots and Development of Achievement Gaps. A Longitudinal Assessment in Selected European Countries (eds). ISOTIS Report prepared for the European Commission.

Passaretta G, Barbieri P, Wolbers MHJ, Visser M (2019). In de etalage: De directe invloed van sociale herkomst op statusverwerving in de eerste tien jaar na arbeidsmarktintrede in Nederland en Italië. In Mens en Maatschappij.